Product Number:
Auto Safety Kit
Financial Services / Banking
What it was purchased for: A gift that was not gender specific and was useful and could be branded and had a high-perception of value.
How it was distributed: A Distributor was working with a bank who asked them to bring to them ideas for an incentive gift. The bank wanted to set-up an incentive gift to give to new depositors who opened a new account at the bank for over $1,000.00. They were looking for an item that would be useful and a gift that would have a high perceived value. The gift had to be one that would work for both men and women. The bank had established a budget of $20.00 per item. The bank projected that over a 2 month period they would set a goal of 200 new accounts. Obviously, this item would need to have the bank logo on it, so it would need to be branded.
The distributor came to HIT Promotional Products for ideas and they decided on HIT Item no. 7039, Auto Safety Kit. This product addressed all the parameters that had been set-forth by the bank. A gift that was not gender specific and was useful and could be branded and had a high-perception of value.
Result or ROI: The bank was able to achieve their goal of 200 new depositors in less than the 2 month time period they had targeted.